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Adem's Wish

During my illness, both myself and my family have been shown the incredible support from a number of amazing charities and organisations. For so long, we had seen the ads on TV and the fundraising tins that grace the counter of so many supportive businesses, yet never really understood the true importance behind these organisations. There are many that we have received help from, but there are two that remain closest to my heart – and I urge for the ongoing and continued support of the Leukaemia Foundation and the Australian Red Cross Lifeblood

Team Adem began early in 2011, shortly after I was diagnosed, when we discovered – or more accurately – when the Leukaemia Foundation discovered us. In those stressful weeks following our diagnosis they provided all types of support to the family – giving us a place to live at one of their Villages (with treatment being so intense, you must remain close to hospital) which we lived in. All without question, for the best part of two years while still receiving their amazing social support.

Our other main organisation, Australian Red Cross Lifeblood, was again something I was quite oblivious to – not even knowing what a blood transfusion was until the day I was diagnosed when I urgently needed two.

To donate blood really is to save lives. Personally, I have received over 300 blood product transfusions, that if I had gone without, I would not be here now. Little do people realise how much blood is needed when treating cancer and without constant transfusions, the road travelled would become all the more difficult. Simply – without transfusions, people would not survive.

It is with this said that I would like to pledge a wish:

I wish that for both of these amazing organisations, the Leukaemia Foundation, who have and continue to support the family and countless other families who have gone through, are going through and who unfortunately will go through a blood related cancer diagnosis. Also  Australian Red Cross Lifeblood, who without the generosity of those who unselfishly roll up their sleeves to donate blood, people like me would not have been able to spend this most amazing of times with the ones they love.

I wish that Team Adem, will always support and spread the word of these two incredible organisations, who, though you may not realise, are changing lives for the better, everyday.

Already, Team Adem has achieved some incredible things in terms of fundraising for The World’s Greatest Shave and now Team Adem via Australia Red Cross Lifeblood Group Blood Donation Program is starting to take shape, slowly gaining members and an ever growing amount of blood donations. This evokes great amounts of pride and happiness, in not only myself – but everyone who is involved.

I know how possible it is for us to achieve what we set out to do, but the more you spread the word – the more people will benefit. Next year, and the year after that, I wish that the efforts thrown into The World’s greatest shave, and any fundraiser held by the Foundation – only continue to grow and we continue to raise those crucial funds, which really do go to helping real people. With Lifeblood, I would love to see Team Adem reach 1,000 donations a year – that’s 3,000 lives saved! Hopefully one day, we may even have 1,000 members donating for Team Adem – Now imagine how many people would benefit from that! We have sown the seeds of something truly magnificent, now, we just need to make sure we water them, and watch them grow…

 But we will need your help!

So please support, join and get behind Team Adem in any way you can. Whether you shave your head for a cure, roll up your sleeve to save a life or even just donate your spare change to help Team Adem support these amazing causes. Anything and everything you do is greatly appreciated.

With a little effort from all of us – we have such potential to make a big difference in the lives of so many.

Lots of Love,

Adem xx